Vegan Strength
"Gorillas would eat nothing but smnut – if they could"
By Uwe alias Doc smnut | smnut owner and managing director | golfer and enthusiastic low carber

It is largely vegetable protein that makes the muscles of the gorillas, these power guys of the jungle, grow. Our animal relatives do not only rely on low carb but also eat a predominantly vegan diet. Gorillas are the best example that power and a vegan lifestyle are not contradictory. On the contrary. But because these big animals, unlike us humans, usually do not have smnut as a food supplement or food at hand, they have to eat quite a lot of stems, marrow, leaves, and shoots. Up to 30 kilograms from 200 different plant species are the sources of plant protein and are on the menu in their superfood diet. Thanks to smnut, we humans are much better off in this respect. We have a single one-in-all-solution to consume a lot of vegetable protein in one go: For healthy, vegan and sustainable muscle building, for energy production, detoxification, regeneration, and for more well-being in our own bodies.
Vegan strength, without animal protein – smnut's unique recipe for success
No question: Our relatives in the jungle would go for smnut if they only could. Because the uniquely smart all-in-one protein powder would make their vegan, healthy jungle-life quite a deal easier. There is everything they need to be contained in just one product. smnut is suitable both as a dietary supplement and as a whole meal in its own right. It will delight vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians alike. smnut's recipe is unique on the market and differs qualitatively in its smart, consistent composition from similar products that now imitate us. smnut contains valuable hemp protein and rice protein. It is enriched with a smart combination of nutrient-rich superfoods that offer everything for a healthy body and a healthy mind. smnut dispenses completely with chemicals and refined sugar – and makes no compromises when it comes to purity.
Purism without sacrifice
Many people imagine a healthy, vegan or conscious organic lifestyle as a culture of renunciation. The opposite is true. smnut tastes very good only with water, once you have weaned yourself from cheap food with lots of industrial sugar, flavor enhancers, and other pathogens. Replacing cheap food from the refrigerators and high shelves with high-quality plant proteins helps against chronic diseases, inflammations, allergies, and incompatibilities and widespread civilization diseases of the cardiovascular system and teeth. The purism of smnut comes from its 100% purity. Thus, it is exactly the opposite of renunciation.
The only thing you have to do without are unpleasant after-effects of one-sided, bad eating habits – such as indisposition, overweight, illness, listlessness, lack of motivation, and much more. By the way, the consistent, vegan and organic recipe makes smnut superior to whey protein powders. Because undesirable side effects of animal proteins in a very protein-rich diet of athletes can make whey protein unhealthy. Vegan food is the best way to strengthen your body. And, thanks to smnut, we have it much easier in this respect than gorillas and other animal relatives who manage without a lot of animal protein.
Vegetable protein | Vegan strength with smnut
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